Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Templars Genealogy Quest, What was so valuable under Solomon's Temple?

If it wasn't gold and silver the Templars were searching for, what was it?

One of the greatest mysteries surrounding the original nine Templars, was their mission. They weren't on the highway's protecting pilgrims, nor did they fight a single battle. Instead records show that they spent their time under Solomon's Temple Mount.

While speculation is rampant over the years of what is was they looking for, legends have sprung up around those possibilities leading to stories of fabulous treasure. Clearly the Templars were looking for something during those days, but the nature of the search remains unknown.

As a working theory, is it possible that the items they were looking for were of greater value than gold or silver? Was there something else hidden beneath the Temple Mount that the Templars had to retrieve and protect? For this possibility our search must begin before the birth of Christ, in Palestine.

Eusebius, an early historian spoke of a inner battle that existed there between Herod and the Sanhedrin that may have some bearing on our search for this “treasure.”

Herod, the son of Antipater, was named king of the Jews by the Roman Senate. On the other hand the Sanhedrin, ruling body of the Jews, claimed that they were the legal heirs to that land by virtue of their genealogy. They claimed the legal right to rule as descendants from the House of Israel and King David, and marked Herod as the usurper. Eusebius said that Herod, “...goaded by...his ignoble extraction (or birth)...committed all these [families] records the flames. ...No one else would be able to trace his pedigree by public records, back to [the] Patriarchs.”


This article is owned by Anastacia Prisbrey. Permission to republish any part in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.

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