Saturday, January 16, 2010

The End of the Druids, and Romes Destruction in England, Scotland, and Ireland

What do we know of the mystical Druids so steeped in confusing and foggy history? More than you might think!

Druids were often the philosophers, scientists, lore-masters, teachers, judges and counselors to the kings and leaders of the British Islands and had been for nearly a millennia. Then Nero began his campaign to destroy the Christians of Britain, and the Druids, whose motto “The Truth Against the World” now joined the battle against the great Roman war machine.

Before Rome’s attack on the Islands, it had been a well established seat of learning for many generations, taught by the Druids. By 38 A.D., Julius Caesar tells us in his book Gallic Wars, that there were at least forty universities in England and he mentioned that they were reputed to have had an enrollment of sixty thousand pupils from around the world!

English legend tells us that Pontius Pilate attended these Druidic Universities, as well as many of Rome’s greatest historical generals. J. O. Kinnaman,D.D., in his work on Archaeology said that "Pilate was not a Roman by nationality, but by citizenship. He was born a Spaniard… Then he went to Britain to study in the universities … under the administration of the Druids … it was Pilate's ambition to become a Roman lawyer and the future governor of Palestine…”

Later after the invasion of the Romans, one Roman general by the name of Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, destroyed the Druids largest and most precious centers of learning and its library at Anglesey in AD 60.

Once the Druids centers of learning were ruined, then came the beginning of one of the most famous of all historical spins. With so many records and histories lost in the destruction of these schools, Rome could make any claim, put forth any statement of “fact”, and they did. Sadly they are still in play today. Rome laid claim to the Druidic undertaking of:

•Road Building

•Establishing civilizations and cities

•Creating centers of study

•Fostering the Christianizing of England

Although in fact they were the destroyers of it all.

Finally in one last historic push, the end of the Druids came in the fourth century. Rome accused them of horrendous acts of violence and murder at Stonehenge, in England, Scotland and Ireland.

Then the remnants of the Druids were attacked in their last stronghold. St. Fiacc records the work of St. Patrick in Britain. "St. Germanus, with a group of priests that included St. Patrick, travelled through Britain convincing people to turn to God, throwing out the false priests of Pelagius known as snakes." The same would hold true in Ireland. Their symbol, the serpent, was the symbol of the Tribe of Dan. There they were murdered and destroyed by St. Patrick, who is remembered today, as having driven the snakes out of Ireland.

From that point forward most of Britain was firmly under the control of the Romans, as well as their new “fractured history”.

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